It is an open secret that the above trio namely, Datuk Seri Khani Daud (the Acting DG of Tourism Malaysia, Datuk Seri Tam Yun Tong and Datuk Rashidi Hasbullah, the Secretary General of Ministry of Tourism and Culture, are best of pals in TM. They are also very powerful person in their own rights. They are the protected species.
Despite being exposed for openly campaigning for BN during the GE 14th in HERE for outright violations of General Orders, the new Chief Secretary of the Government (KSN), Datuk Seri Ismail Bin Bakar, dared not take any action against them. Yours truly had posted this to remind the KSN of what actions to be taken against these little napoleons and yet KSN is not bothered about it, HERE. Just imagine how HEBAT they are!
In future if civil servants want to take part in political activities please feel free to do so and if KSN or anyone trying to take any actions against them please show the authorities this posting which contains all the photographic evidences of the little napoleons wearing the blue BN shirts openly campaigning. Fear not about the General Orders, it is just like scrap papers bundled together to make it a booklet.
Datuk Seri Tam Yun Tong
Yours truly would like to remind the readers about this powerful character within TM, the Datuk Seri Tam Yun Tong (Datuk Tam). Why Datuk Tam is a powerful man in TM? He is the CEO of Eithosim Shoji Co Ltd in Japan and TM had awarded many advertising contracts worth ten of millions Ringgit in Japan.
Datuk Tam is also the MCA representative in Japan, HERE.
For reason best known to Datuk Tam and those involved in the said advertising contracts, Eithosin Shoji Co Ltd was abandoned. A few years ago, Datuk Tam and his outfit incorporated Global Renown Ltd in Hong Kong. It seems that Global Renown Ltd has replaced Eithosin Shoji. Global Renown Ltd is now a household name in TM.
To cut the long story short, in 2017/2018 TM had committed RM160,702,958.58 for its advertising campaign and RM91,693,382.90 of which was awarded to Datuk Seri Tam’s Global Renown Ltd. In another words, Global Renown Ltd had been awarded more than half of the said budget via direct nego contracts! Isn’t Global Renown Ltd is equally Hebat as Datuk Seri Tam? For full details please read HERE.
Whilst we are appreciative that our Minister, YB Datuk Mohamadin Hj Ketapi, and KSU Datuk Rashidi Hasbullah have been being treated to the beautiful meals in the Malaysian restaurant, which is owned by Datuk Seri Tam, in Japan, we hope that direct nego contracts will not be the norm in Ministry of Tourism and Culture (MOTAC) under the new PH government.
We also hope that the “smooth operators”/little napoleons in MOTAC and TM have properly briefed YB Minister about the scandalous “Speedy Gonzales” RM99 million Geeko Tech direct nego deal, HERE, and that Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) had advice TM to terminate it. Until this date, this scandalous direct nego contract which involved Ms Elizabeth Ken, who is the Media Specialist of Redberry Media Group and it is part of Ancom Bhd. The Executive Chairman of Ancom Bhd is of course, Datuk DR Siew Ka Wei, the famous corporate genius and former Chairman of TM. The “smooth operators”/little napoleons of TM and MOTAC are so hebat that they have defied the CEP and ultimately the PH Government.
Dear Mr Minister, what are you doing about this scandalous Speedy Gonzales” deal? Is it true that a few direct nego proposals from Global Renown Ltd are in the pipeline waiting to be approved by you?
Yours truly hopes that YB Minister will be mindful of the direct nego contracts that were awarded for 2017/2018 to Global Renown Ltd and investigate into this unhealthy practices.