Wee Choo Keong
Former Member of Parliament for Bukit Bintang and Wangsa Maju
Wee Choo Keong has been elected Member of Parliament for Wangsa Maju (P116) during the 12th General Election on 08 March 2008 until May 09, 2013.
He is no stranger to Malaysian politics especially in Wilayah Persekutuan. His active political life spans over 30 years of which 16 has been spent in Bukit Bintang and 4 in Klang.
In 1987 he was detained by the Government under the notorious Internal Security Act (ISA) for 60 days in solidarity confinement. His said ISA detention was solely due to him leading the Campaign Against Deposit Taking Co-Operatives (DTCs) Scandal in 1986. There were a total of 24 DTCs throughout Malaysia, where they had set up offices in every corner in Malaysia to collect deposits from the low income group (B40).
There were 552,000 depositors comprised of mainly low income group (B40) who were encouraged by the ruling political to deposit all their life savings / “blood and sweat money” in the DTCs. The total total deposits was about RM1.5 billion. The DTCs gave up high interest rate more than the banks. Investigations disclosed that the directors of these DTCs were treating the DTCs as their cash cows to milk.
One of their most popular modus operandi was to use the DTCs funds to buy land which they owned or controlled at well above market price, making the DTCs to buy the shares they owned in private companies at well above making price and etc. The DTCs also gave up big unsecured loans to the directors or their relatives or their own companies. The DTCs were like the “Get Rich Quick Scheme / Skim Cepat Kaya”. In 1986 the DTCs bubbles burst. The innocent depositors lost all their life savings / “blood and sweat money” which they had deposited in the DTCs like Koteksi, Kosatu and ietc.
He was leading the campaign to expose the said DTCs scandal and help the depositors to recover their deposits. It was too late to recover much. Bank Negara had to step in to take control of the sorry state of affairs and start to free assets of many directors to recover the deposits in certain DTCs. As a result of which the Government had to present a White Papers in Parliament for discussion on the DTCs scandal. We never learnt. Many years later the nation was burden with the scandal known as “The Get Rich Quick Scheme / Skim Cepat Kaya”) and Bank Negara had to step in.
He was a two-term MP for Bukit Bintang until he was disqualified by the Election Judge, Tun Ahmad Fairuz (who was implicated in the VK Lingam Video Clip Scandal), on 02 August 1995 in an unprecedented manner.
Ever since he was first elected MP, Wee has never stopped serving the people of Wilayah Persekutuan and other parts of Malaysia. He has also been maintaining his service centre in Pudu even though he is no longer the MP for Bukit Bintang.
Wee is a Kelantanese, blogger and a practicing lawyer for the past 27 years. He is fluent in Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mandarin and Thai.
Malaysians Democratic Party (MDP)
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