Police Report Lodged Against Siew Ka Wei’s Staff Elizabeth Ken

Sweeties Elizabeth Ken, the media specialist of Redberry Media Group CEO shareholder of Geeko. Of course, she is a staff of one of Siew Ka Wei’s outfits! From her picture, she is definitely a good staff for …

The Police Report Against Siew Ka Wei’s Staff Sweeties Elizabeth Ken For Making A False Report

Siew Ka Wei’s staff, Elizabeth Ken Tzu Ying aka Elly Ken lodged a report alleging criminal defamation based on two articles posted on my blog, which you can find in HERE and HERE.

However, upon careful reading, one would discern that neither article defames Elizabeth Ken nor anyone else. Instead, they present a narrative, underpinned by documents, information from reliable sources, and include opinions or comments drawn from factual information.

Elizabeth Ken & Siew Ka Wei, who is executive chairman of Ancom Bhd and former Chairman of Tourism Malaysia. Both in the beautiful famous orange jump suits.

It’s noteworthy to recall that both Siew Ka Wei, the executive chairman of Ancom Bhd and then chairman of Tourism Malaysia, and his special staff member, Elizabeth Ken, were arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on 9th January 2019. They were detained for four days due to their involvement in the scandalous Speedy Gonzales Geeko deal with Tourism Malaysia, HERE. Please also read this, Speedy Gonzales Geeko deal with Tourism Malaysia involved RM99.693. This deal shockingly supposed to drain RM99.693 million of public funds!

The First Payment Of RM11,963,160.00 Was Paid In Lightning Speed by TM To Geeko

After yours truly exposed the scandal in here, it was aborted! But Elizabeth Ken and her partner managed to get Tourism Malaysia to disburse some RM11,963,160.00 as the fist payment! Contract was signed with lightning speed on 4-4-2018 and invoice was issued by Geeko on 23-4-2018 and it was was approved on 27.4.2018!

On 6-5-2018 payment of RM11,963,160.00 was made to Geeko. TM was very efficient when comes to payment to Geeko. Not a bad deal after all.

Tencent Holdings Had Been Used As a Bait To Lure Government Agencies

Interestingly, in both the Speedy Gonzales Geeko deal with Tourism Malaysia and the BXC Travellers Sdn Bhd with Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB), the name of the Chinese IT giant, TENCENT HOLDINGS (Tencent), had been used widely as a bait. Geeko and BXC strategically highlighted Tencent to lure the unsuspecting Boards of Tourism Malaysia and MAHB.

It is believed that both Tourism Malaysia and MAHB did not due diligence on the backgrounds of Geeko Tech and BXC Travellers Sdn Bhd, which is insolvent.

Truth & Matters Involving Public Interests

The crux of the matter is this: All articles on my blog aim to promote public interest and ensure public funds are not abused. Our law, specifically sections 499 and 500 of the Penal Code, clearly outlines that it isn’t criminal defamation when the published information is true and/or serves public interest. My blog publications firmly stand within this exception and prioritize public interest.

I hope that sections 499 and 500 will not be abused by the rich and powerful and that the police will not allow itself to be used as a tool to suppress truth or intimidate the rakyat.

I look forward to seeing the police take the necessary actions against sweeties Elizabeth Ken or her partner for making a false report. Let the truth be told!


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The Geeko case was so clear and yet MACC didn’t take actions against Siew Ka Wei & Elizabeth!. We should know why!
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