Woes of Desa View Condominium residents

The condition of Desa View Condominium (Desa View) in Wangsa Maju has deteriorated very badly due to the neglect of its property management, MBf Property Services Sdn Bhd (a subsidiary of MBf Group of Companies).

Desa View has been having problems for many years. MBf Properties Services Sdn Bhd has since been wound up by the court a few years ago. It owed SYABAS a sum totaling about RM390,000-00. Two weeks ago the water supply to the condo was cut and the Liquidator and I have to intervene and we managed to temporarily restore it.

The Commissioner of Building (COB) organized a meeting today and I was invited by the owners to attend and observe the meeting. A few “so-called owners” tried to dominate the meeting but failed. One of whom was Mr Ravindran Kunjan, who at all material times has described himself as an Advocate and Solicitor, High Court Malaya, on his letterheads. I have checked with Bar Council and has been informed that he is NOT an Advocate and Solicitor as provided under Legal Profession Act.

At last, the owners elected Kapten Zulkafli Amat to be the person responsible to organize a meeting to elect the JMB. The meeting will be held in 21 days’ time. In the mean time, SYABAS’ temporary agreement to reconnect water supply is due for discussion on 23 June 2008.

I sincerely hope that COB will do and take the necessary actions to ensure that SYABAS will not terminate the supply of water to Desa View until a proper JMB is formed.

– 翻译员:cc liew, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意

旺沙玛朱区的迪沙景观公寓(Desa View Condominium)的设施保养情况极度恶劣,原因是其物业管理公司马婆金融物业服务有限公司(MBf Property Services Sdn Bhd)疏于指责。(马婆金融物业服务是马婆金融集团的一家子公司)


该公寓的住屋委员会(Commissioner of Building,COB)在今天组织了一项会议,我被公寓业主邀请参与并观察有关会议。几位「自称为业主」的人士企图垄断整场会议,可是他们无法得逞。 他们其中一位名叫拉文德兰(Ravindran Kunjan),他从头到尾都在形容自己为一名律师,服务于马来亚最高法院,这些都印在他的信笺上。我曾经就此事想律师公会查询,并被告知他并不是像《法 律职业法令》(Legal Profession Act)下所禀明的律师。

最终,业主们选出朱卡菲利中尉(Kapten Zulkafli Amat)作为负责筹备共管小组(Badan Pengurusan Bersama,JMB)的会议。下场会议将会在21天之内召开。根据2008年6月23日的会议结果,目前雪州水供公司暂时延缓合约,从新把食水驳接给 居民使用。我真诚希望这个住屋委员会能够做出必要的措施,以确保雪州水供公司不会在正式的共管小组成立前截断迪沙景观公寓的水供。


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