Questions Time 19-06-2012: Non-Disclosure clause in the BinaFikir’s consultancy agreement on WAU

Jawapan Lisan 19-6-2012

Tuan Wee Choo Keong (Wangsa Maju) minta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan apakah sudah menjadi polisi tetap “standing order” di Kementerian untuk semua GLC dan/atau anak-anak syarikat seperti MAS yang berada di bawah kawalan Khazanah Nasional Bhd (Khazanah) apabila melantik firma konsultan atau syarikat-syarikat bagi perkhidmatan projek-projek tertentu, maka perjanjian untuk melantik firma-firma konsultan atau mana-mana syarikat wajib mengadakan klausa “SULIT” atau NON-DISCLOSURE” terhadap fi dan/atau nama firma penasihat dan/atau mana-mana syarikat tidak boleh didedahkan kepada Parlimen (contoh fi konsultan dibayar oleh MAS kepada BinaFikir Sdn. Bhd. untuk projek WAU dengan jumlah wang sebanyak RM200 juta dan nama-nama melibatkan 12 syarikat-syarikat terlibat dengan kerugian RM3.3 bilion “fuel hedging” untuk MAS?

Tuan Wee Choo Keong [Wangsa Maju] to ask the Minister of Finance to state whether it is the standing policy of the Ministry that all GLCs and/ or its subsidiary companies like MAS under the control of Khazanah Nasional Bhd (Khazanah) when appointing consultant firms or companies for services for specific projects, the agreement to appoint consultant firms or any companies must incorporate a special CONFIDENTIALITY or NON-DISCLOSURE CLAUSE that the fees involved and/or name of consultant firm or any other company’s names cannot be disclosed to Parliament (for example the consultancy fees paid by MAS to BinaFikir Sdn Bhd for the WAU project costing more than RM200 million and the name of the 12 companies involved in the RM3.3 billion fuel hedging losses)?


Tuan Yang di-Pertua,

Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat, peruntukkan kerahsian dan non-disclosure merupakan peruntukan standard/kebiasaan dalam kontrak berkenaan. Oleh demikian, pendehhan sebarang meklumat yang diklasifikasikan sebagai rahsia dalam sesuatu kontrak oleh man-mana pihak tanpa persetujuan pihak-pihak lain dalam kontrak terlibat boleh memberi implikasi perundangan kepada pihak aku janji kerahsian. Memangdankan peruntukkan berkenaan adalah standard/kebiasaan, ianya hanya diguna pakai oleh syarikat GLCs tetapi juga oleh syarikat bukan GLCs.


It would appear from the answer given that the little Napoleons in Khazanah, MAS and other GLCs can appoint their cronies to do consultancy works or any other works and incorporate a non-disclosure clause in the agreement to prevent anyone questioning the cost of consultancy fees. Presumably the Minister of Finance/Prime Minister cannot compel those little Napoleons in Khazanah to reveal the cost of consultancy fees and the names of the consultant for certain projects to the Ministry of Finance. That must be the sorry state of affairs because even the highest body in Malaysia, the Parliament cannot compel the little Napoleons to provide such information, which is of no threat to our national security except the security of the little Napoleon to abuse public fund via such appointment.

This is unacceptable as the little Napoleon in Khazanah is dealing with public funds. They must be accountable to the nation through Parliament.

At that material time, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yaakop was the very powerful Minister of Finance II, Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar and his most trusted crony, En Mohammed Rashdan Yusof were the ex-founders and business partners in BinaFikir Sdn Bhd, these three powerful personality must be candid to tell the nation how much was the BinaFikir Sdn Bhd’s total consultancy fees including commission, expenses and other cost for the WAU Project. If it was a reasonable figure, the little Napoleons in Khazanah are hiding behind this non-disclosure clause.

Yours truly shall bring this matter up during the debate of the Supplementary Budget, which will commence tomorrow.

The little must be be told that Khazanah is dealing with public fund,  therefore secrecy on the consultancy fees, commissions and other fees and names of consultant firm cannot be secret in order to to avoid cronyism and abuse of public fund.

Let see for how long the little Napoleons in Khazanah can not hide behind the non-disclosure clause. These little Napoleons must be taught a lesson that there is no room for them to hide when public funds have been abused.


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