“Geeko Gate” / “Speedy Gonzales” Scandal Hits The Parliament Floor!

Hansard of 3 December 2018

On 3 December 2018 YB Haji Awang Bin Hashim [Pendang Constituency] had brought up the “Gecko Gate” during the debate in Parliament.  Yours truly believes that it was the mistake by the transcriber and it will be rectified by YB Pendang when the Hansard for the 3 December 2018 is finalised.

Yours truly believes that YB Pendang  meant the “Geeko Gate”.

This was what YB Pendang wanted to know:

Kita hendak dapat maklumat adakah masih lagi Kerajaan Harapan mengekalkan mereka yang terlibat ketika skandal Gecko-Gate berlaku pada bulan April kalau tidak silap saya . Minta Penjelasan” from the former Deputy Minister of MOTAC, YB Datuk Wira Mas Ermieyati bin Shamsudin.

The former Deputy Minister of MOAC replied:  Okey saya harap ia dapat dimasukkan dalam sebahagian daripada ucapan saya dan saya harap soalan itu dapat dijawab oleh pihak kementerian.”

It was strange that YB Datuk Wira Mas Ermieyati bin Shamsudin [MP for Masjid Tanah], who was the deputy minister of MOTAC when this “Geeko Gate” was struck on 4-4-2018.  She seemed to have no knowledge at all about this scandalous deal and would also like to know.  What a secret deal!!!

Syabas YB Pendang for a job well done.  Yours truly hopes that other MPs will join in to expose this scandalous ‘Geeko Gate’ deal that was evaluated, negotiated, agreement prepared and signed in ONE DAY on 4-4-2018.

Yours truly had been informed by some MPs that YB Dato’ Mohammadin Ketapi, Minister of Tourism & Cultures (MOTAC) did not give any explanation whatsoever about the scandal known as “Geeko Gate” aka “Speedy Gonzales” deal, HERE.  Please also read the last posting of yours truly, ‘The Speedy Gonzales’ Promotion’ which will explain why the request for clarification from YB Pendang was very conveniently ignored.

It may not be the fault of the Minister because he had to look into many matters concerning tourism and cultures that had been brought up in the debate. More often than not, there were many officers from MOTAC to take note on matters brought up in Parliament and to provide the minister with answer for the Minister to reply.

Somehow the “Geeko Gate” / “Speedy Gonzales” RM99.693 million deal had been conveniently overlooked! A classic case of the tv comedy in UK, the “Yes Minister”.

In Parliament they are many officers from various government departments or agencies (including MACC) taking notes. Yours truly hopes that the MACC officers will inform its HQ that the “Geeko Gate” or the ‘Speedy Gonzales’ RM99.693 million Deal had hit the floor of Parliament!

Five months have elapsed and there is no news from MACC. Yours truly hopes that some MPs would take the opportunity to ask follow up questions what is happening to the report on this ‘Geeko Gate’.

Please sit back and enjoy your pop corn from now. The show has just begun.

Stay Tuned.


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