“Budak Tingkat 4” Arę Running Amok!

Yours truly’s speech in Parliament

Updated on 23.4.2022.

Just as we thought that both Tan Sri Nor Yakcop, the then Minister in the Prime Minister Department, and Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar, the then Security Commission Chairman, had disappeared from the scene so were the “Budak Tingkat 4”, it is now transpired that there are many “Budak Tingkat 4” aka “4th Floor Boys” are back running amok in the GLCs, Security Commission, BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA and etc. It seems that there is one Tingkat 4 connected to the Minister too.

There is an unseen hand in putting in place the “Budak Tingkat 4” in the GLCs, government agencies and a Minister. This unseen hand, who had retired from politics for some years, is still very powerful and very much in play these days. He is still powerful to put in place the Budak Tingkat 4 in GLCs and several appointment in government. This retired politician is a household name in Malaysian politics 20 years. Rumour has it that he is still holding court several times a month with the Budak Tingkat 4 in an eatery in Damanasara Kim. May be planning all the appointments and doing deals!

It is an open secret that the “Budak Tingkat 4” were running very high and were then roaming the corridor of power with impunity! At that material time, even God feared them! “Tahu sama Tahu” who are the “Budak Tingkat 4” and they know it themselves.

The Famous Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar & Tan Sri Azman Yahya, The Governance Guru In BNM

Picture above: Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar and Rashdan (aka Danny) was the founder of BinaFikir Sdn Bhd, a consulting firm, which was incorporated in January 2002. Soon after it was incorporated, BinaFikir was appointed by MAS / Khazanah to restructure MAS. At that material time Tan Sri Noor Mohamed Yaakop was the then super powerful Minister of Finance 2. After the appointment of BinaFikir, in 2002 Azman / Rashdan aka Danny (co founder of BinaFikir) coined the term ”WAU” (Widespread Assets Un-Bundling). Under WAU, MAS was on a sale of strategic assets spree under the pretext of generating fund for MAS! Read HERE for details.

Thereafter in 2004, TS Azman Mokhtar was appointed as MD of Khazanah Holdings, HERE. Presumably TS Noor Yaakop was instrumental in the appointment. He held on to the post in Khazanah for far too long (2004 – 2018 – 14 years). During his reign in Khazanah there was embroiled numerous controversies.

Out of the blue, in December 2021, Azman Mokhtar has been appointed Chairman of Tabung Haji, read in HERE. Of course, there is no other more qualified person than Azman Mokhtar!!

Azman and Rashdan became the hero of the industry during the reign of Tingkat 4 / Badawi Adminjistraion.

In March 2020 TS Azman Yahya (in the above picture next the TS Azman Mokhtar) was appointed as a board member of BANK NEGARA. He was also handpicked to be the Chairman of Board of Governance in Bank Negara, a powerful position. During the Noor Yaakop and Azman Mokhtar days in Khazanah, Azman Yahya the Governance Guru was appointed to head Danaharta, which was embroiled with controversies too. Azman Yahya’s long list of appointments in government agencies and public listed companies are listed Bloomberg report in HERE. Presumably all these companies must be performing very well!

Perhaps the prerequisite of a person to be appointed to high position in BNM or other government agencies that oversee evaluation and approval for licences for licences or permits in BNM or government agencies, is one must be embroiled in controversies or some form of scandals!!

During the height of the scandalous MAS-AirAsia Share Swap (SUAP), which was the brainchild of Azman Mokhtar of Khazanah and another financial genius Nazir Razak (ex-CEO of CIMB Bank and now head of Bank Pembangunan and Danajamin), the said “GOVERNANCE GURU” Azman Yahya was appointed as a board member of MAS, HERE & HERE. Of course, the Governance Guru has no clue about aviation industry except to do … . Tau sama tau la!

The said WAU and the MAS-AirAsia Share SUAP were totally failed projects as there were hatched in a wanton manner by several Budak Tingkat or its group with certain agendas, which are best known to them. It was a case, “Bina tak Fikir” Project!

Azman Yahya is a famous man whose name surfaced every where – even in a private property disputes between Kamaluddin Abdullah and Naza. Please read in HERE.

The Woman of The World, Datuk Rohana Rozhan, the Tim Leissner’s Playmate!

It was at the same time as Azman Yahya that famous and powerful Datuk Rohana Rozhan, ex CEO of ASTRO, was also appointed to the board of MAS. It was revealed in New York Court by Tim Leissner of Goldman Sach that he was then having “Fun” with Rohana for many years and she had blackmailed him to buy her a house worth £10 million in London in exchange for not exposing him of his involvement in the 1MDB scandals, HERE. This was the professional standard of an editor of a news agency then. Lets hope that now most if not all the editors of newspapers and news portal are professional.

These “Budak Tingkat 4” and/or their cronies are very powerful and influential who were and are holding high positions in the country administration including Bank Negara Malaysia.

BANK NEGARA, The Nation Central Bank

We can only hope that the Governor of our Central Bank (Bank Negara Malaysia), Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah, will put protecting the image, integrity of BANK NEGARA and more importantly PUBLIC INTERESTS well above the desires of someone in the evaluation of which 5 companies of the 29 are really qualified to be awarded with the Digital Banking Licence and/or Buy Now Pay Later Scheme (BNPL). For the background of Digital Banking Licence please read in HERE.

It must be noted that if Digital Banking Licence /BNPL are in the wrong hand, it can only spell disaster for the financial market in Malaysia and bring untold miseries to the Rakyat!

As we all know that currently there are no rules or laws to regulate the operations of Fintech, Digital Banking Licence and/or BNPL. BANK NEGARA in a statement last week had admitted that BNM, SC and Ministry of Finance are NOW ONLY discussing about putting in place a new law called Consumer Credit Act to regulate the operations of Digital Banking Licensee and/or BNP, HERE. Can you all imagine this is happening in Malaysia! It is a case of “Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted”!

As it were there are many Rakyat have voiced out their concerns with easy approval to get loans many folds above the applicants’ salary for the BNPL Scheme. It seems it is getting out of control! Don’t tell us that BANK NEGARA Governor and her Tingkat 4 officers are oblivious to all the postings in Socmed!

Image and Integrity of BNM and Protecting Public Interests are of Utmost Importance

For the sake of our beloved Malaysia and the Rakya, we trust that the Governor Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah will strictly adhere to the stringent procedures and rules that have been put in place in BANK NEGARA and that she will not be pushed around to do someone bidding in the approval of Digital Banking Licence and/or BNPL licence or permit.

We also trust that BNM under the watch of Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah will not reduce itself to that of Security Commission under the watch of shameless Datuk Syed Zaid Albar, HERE. Don’t be one of the many “BINA tak FIKIR” gang!

We can only hope that Governor of BNM and others in BNM will be mindful of the unseen hand and the manipulations of “Budak Tingkat 4” and gang. Please be mindful that the Rakyat are watching closely in what BNM is or will be doing on the Digital Banking Licence and/or BNPL.

Stay Tuned.


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