Breaking the siege on Gaza; breaking the crime against humanity

Dewan Tun Razak 1 Hall, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur
Sunday, 11 July 2010, 9.00 a.m.
Entrance is Free

The Palestinians are slowly and systematically being exterminated in their homeland by a regime that’s as cold-blooded as they come. It’s genocide. It’s a crime against humanity. Let’s help put an end to this atrocity and give your support to the Palestinian cause (though lives may unexpectedly be snuffed out of harmless, innocent people as witnessed in the recent unwarranted storming of Rachel Corrie and Mavi Marmara by the Israeli forces). Come for the PGPO International Conference : Breaking The Siege. And pass the word around. For more need to know of the intensified crimes and cruelties that have been waged against the people of Palestine since 2007. More need to wake up to this crisis against humanity. Remember, there is strength in numbers. See you and your friends at the conference this Sunday.

Click here for the complete Press Release of this international conference organised by Perdana Global Peace Organisation (PGPO).


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