Your MP's Question of the Week #55

Update, 20 May, 9.40am: Correction – The dead were identified as an Indian and a Malay and not as highlighted earlier. Newspapers reported today that both were ex-detainees of Simpang Rengam. Error regretted.
Breaking News, 19 May, 9.00pm:
Two Indian males were shot dead in Damansara Kim, after a car chase, by the police from the serious crime division. (I happened to be in the vicinity having dinner with my family.)

The last few years had witnessed our crime rate in the country getting higher and higher. And of late, “criminals” are being shot dead at crime scenes or during hot police pursuits, without the blink of an eye. These ardent police hard-works naturally have almost resulted in them becoming hot news items daily in the newspapers.

It also appears that this hard-line action by our security personnel is currently a newly adopted policy by our police force to combat crimes, a move which is similar to what was being done in the 1990s. It also seems although the Inspector General of Police, Yg Bhg Tan Sri Musa Hassan, has taken various steps and launched numerous campaigns to combat crimes, his efforts somehow are achieving an opposite effect. Robberies, house break-ins, snatch thievings, etc., are still on the increase daily and they don’t look like they’re going to abate any time soon.

To shore up their image and to show the public that they are not sleeping on the job, the police force, so I have heard, would be mounting a serious publicity campaign to tell all and sundry that “crimes do not pay” and that crimes are also our “No.1 Public Enemy.”

It’s hard for me to believe this but a rumour is making its rounds that the police force has recently engaged the services of Fox Communications Sdn Bhd to do just that. I am personally brushing this rumour aside as “baseless” because it just does not make sense. Anyway, isn’t this Fox Communications the same company that was forced upon Sime Darby for a hefty RM250,000 a month fee and whose contract was not renewed in March 2009?

The question for this week is:

Would such hardlined police actions of shooting dead suspected “criminals” at crime scenes, and, launching a massive advertising campaign to publicise this no-nonsense policy that they are serious with their work ever deter the hardcore felons from committing crimes and thereby reducing our crime rate?

– Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak – Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong –

Soalan Mingguan WR Anda ke-55

Beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, kadar jenayah di negara kita kian meningkat. Kebelakangan ini, ramai penjenayah telah ditembak mati ketika dikejar oleh polis tanpa was-was. Tak hairanlah hasil kerja pegawai polis yang “bersemangat” ini telah dijadikan butir hangat dalam suratkhabar.

Nampaknya tindakan tegas oleh pegawai keselamatan kita adalah dasar yang ditetapkan oleh para pegawai polis kita dalam memerangi gejala jeneyah seperti ketika tahun 1990’an. Nampak juga bahawa walupun IGP kita, Yg Bhg Tan Sri Musa Hassan, telah mengambil pelbagai tindakan serta melancarkan pelbagai rancangan untuk memerangi jenayah, namun usha beliau mendatangkan akibat yang bertentangan. Perbuatan menyamun, pecah masuk rumah, rompak-lari dan sebagainya kian meningkat setiap hari dan tidak kelihatan akan berkurangan buat masa ini.

Untuk memperbaiki tanggapan umum terhadap polis serta memberi gambaran bahawa mereka bukanlah “tidur” semasa waktu kerja, pihak polis, saya mendapat maklumat, ajan melancarkan rancangan penyebaran maklumat kepada umum menyampaikan ertikata “jenayah tidak berbaloi” dan “penjenayah adalah musuh umum #1”.

Adalah sukar untuk saya percaya ini tetapi saya mendapati adanya khabar angina bahawa pihak polus baru-baru ini mengupah Fox Communications Sdn Bhd untuk berbuat demikian. Saya telah menolak khabar angina ini sebagai “tidak berasas” kerana ia tidak masuk akal. Walau apa pun, bukankah Fox Communications ini syarikat yang memaksa supaya Sime Darby kena bayar bayaran bulanan sebanyak RM250,000 dan perjanjian itu tidak dilanjutkan selepas March 2009?

Oleh itu, soalan untuk minggu in adalah:

Adakah tindakan tegas polis menembak mati penjenayah di tempat kejadian jenayah dan melancarkan rancangan pengiklanan yang besar menyatakan dasar tegas mereka akan menakutkan para penjenayah dan seterusnya mengurangkan kadar jenayah?

– 翻译员:Anonymous , Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意


近年来我们能目睹到犯罪率在我国是持续增长的。不久前,警方以眨眼间的速度在犯罪地点或在追捕“罪犯”的期间当场把逃犯给击毙 。这些“不辞劳苦”的义举当然顺理成章地成为新闻的每日焦点。

这也章显出我们的保卫人员近期所实行的强硬行动是我国警力部队为了打击罪案所设下的全新政策方针,于此同时这与1990年所施行的是很相似的。尽管 我们的全国总警长拿督斯里慕沙哈山已推行了各种措施和发起众多的抗击罪案运动但这一切似乎都无济于事并且形成了迥然不同的效应。盗窃、入室偷窃、掠夺等等 还仍然在增长及在短期内没有要减灭的迹象浮现。


传闻警方近期雇用了Fox Communications Sdn Bhd 所提供的服务系统只为了上述宣传活动,这实在让我难以置信。我个人已漠视这项毫无根据以及不符逻辑的谣言。无论如何,这间Fox Communications公司不也就是那间迫使Sime Darby缴付RM250,000庞大数额月租以及其契约并没有在2009年3月进行更新的乃是同一所公司吗?




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