Your MP's Question of the Week #29

It’s reported here the out-going Prime Minister, Abdullah Badawi, has declared “I plan to complete my mission.” What he is trying to say is he aims to reform the judiciary, police and ACA before he calls it a day.

For 5 years, when he is in power, Badawi did not carry out any of his promised reforms. Now that he is a lame-duck PM he wants to do it in 5 months?

We truly want to believe what Badawi says and earnestly support his ‘last-kopek’ mission before he finally leaves office. He has said “I plan …” did he not? and taking his word for it the question for this week then is:

If Badawi is really serious about his plan, should Badawi therefore provide the rakyat with a timetable to show us exactly when on-the-dot he is going to carry out his mission in reforming the judiciary, police and ACA since he has not much time left in office?

– Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak – Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong –

Soalan Mingguan Wakil Rakyat Anda Ke-29

Adalah dilaporkan here Perdana Menteri yang bakal meninggaklan jawatan ini, Abdullah Badawi, telah berikrar “Saya merancang saya akan menyempurnakan matlamat saya.” Apa yang dia cuba menyatakan bahawa dia akan memulihkan kehakiman, polis danbadan pencegah rasuah sebelumdia berundur diri.
Selama 5 tahun, semasa dia berkuasa, Badawi tidak menunaikan perubahan-perubahan yang dijanjikannya. Sekarang, sebagai Perdana Menteri tidak berkuasa, dia kini beriya-iya nak menuaikannya dalam masa 5 bulan?

Kita ingin sangat hendak percaya apa yang dikatakan oleh Badawi dan menyokong misinya yang paling akhir sebelum dia meletak jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri. Bukankah dia telah berkata, “saya merancang …”? dan berdasarkan kata-katanya, soalan untuk minggu ini adalah :

Jika Badawi mengambil berat tentang rancangannya, patutkah Badawi memberikan rakyat jelata suatu jadual waktu menunjukkan dengan jelas tarikh sasaran beliau menunaikan janjinya memulihkan kehakiman, polis dan badan pencegah rasuah sedangkan masa beliau memegang jawatan sudah terhad?


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