Your MP's Question of the Week #24

The convincing outcome of the recent Permatang Pauh by-election had confirmed once and for all that the rakyat were not as dumb as some of our most out-of-touch and out-of-date politicians would like us to believe.

Their worst mistake was to underestimate the seemingly simple folks and think they were easy meat for their crude propaganda, insulting rhetorics and corrupt offerings. Try as hard as they may, they were ultimately victims of their own follies.

Those who came to want to “bury” YBhg Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim were the ones who finally got buried.

Those who thought they could exploit sodomy as a silver bullet were the ones who got shot in their own buttocks.

Those who believed they could swear to victory were the ones who swore for their own ultimate downfall.

All in all, there were more miss-steps than smart strategies. More foolishness than cleverness….

So the question for this week is:

Should the voice of the people of Permatang Pauh be taken as the command that had spoken loud and clear against the policies of the father-in-law as well as the son-in-law … and accepted as a definitive call for the father-in-law, the Prime Minister, to gracefully resign?

– Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak – Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong –

Soalan Mingguan Wakil Rakyat Anda #24

Keputusan nan ketara dalam pilihanraya kecil Permatang Pauh telah membuktikan sekali gus bahawa semua rakyat bukanlah sebodoh yang dijangkakan oleh ahli-ahli politik kita yang ketinggalan zaman dan tidak mengikuti perkembangan semasa.

Masalah paling teruk mereka adalah memandang rendah terhadap penduduk di situ yang hidup di kawasan luar bandar bahawa mereka senang diperdayakan oleh propaganda kasar, ketukan-ketukan kesat dan tawaran rasuah. Mereka cuba sedaya upaya namun mereka sendiri yang terjerat.

Mereka yang ingin sangat “mengebumikan” YBhg Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim pula yang “dikebumikan” pula.

Mereka yang ingat mempergunakan dakwaan liwat adalah umpama peluru perak yang boleh dijadikan penentuan telah “ditembak” di buntut mereka sendiri pula.

Mereka yang percaya bersumpah boleh membawa kemenangan pula menyumpah kepada kegagalan sendiri.

Pada keseluruhannya, terdapat banyak silap langkah daripada pendekatan bijak. Lebih banyak tindakan bodoh daripada tindakan cerdik.

Oleh itu, soalan minggu ini adalah:

Patutkah suara penduduk Permatang Pauh dijadikan suara kerahan jelas bahawa segala dasar bapa mertua dan anak mertua ditolak dan seruan bahawa bapa mertua supaya meleta jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri?


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