Visit to Taman Melati

On Sunday 8 June in the morning I visited the Taman Melati market and touched base with the rakyat. The constituents seemed upbeat despite the recent 41% increase in petrol price. The effect will be felt sooner or later as the petrol price increase will have a knock-on effect on the cost of daily essentials and utilities.

On Sunday 8 June in the morning I visited the Taman Melati market and touched base with the rakyat. The constituents seemed upbeat despite the recent 41% increase in petrol price. The effect will be felt sooner or later as the petrol price increase will have a knock-on effect on the cost of daily essentials and utilities.

Supporters and I also later visited the home of the late Allayarham Nadxaman who passed on recently at the age of 41 years old. Allayarham was one of the PKR leaders in Taman Melati. He left behind wife and 10 children, with the youngest being 3 years old. A contribution was made to Allayarham’s family.

My deepest condolence to the family. Al-Fatihah.

– Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak – Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong –

Melawati Taman Melati

Pada pagi ahad 8 Jun, saya melawat Pasar Taman Melati and bersua dengan rakyat sana. Mereka nampaknya bersemangat meskipun dengan kenaikkan 41% dalam harga minyak. Kesan kenaikkan ini akan dirasa dalam perubahan harga barang-barang serta perkhidmatan keperluan harian.

Para penyokong bersama saya telah melawat rumah Allayarham Nadxaman yang meninggal dunia baru-baru ini pada umur 41 tahun. Beliau merupakan salah satu pemimpin PKR di Taman Melati. Beliau meninggalkan isterinya dan 10 orang anak, yang paling muda adalah unur 3 tahun. Derma telah diberi kapada keluarganya.

Ucapan takziah. Al-Fatihah.

– 翻译员:angel_x, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意

在六月八日﹐星期天早晨時分﹐我探訪了位於TAMAN MELATI 的菜市場順便跟人民聯絡感情。民眾看起來還是平常﹐即使最近汽油價格上昇了41巴仙。效應其實遲早還是會衝擊我們的﹐因為生活必需品和水電費是和油價息息相關的。

我和支持者們較後也探訪了在41歲時去世﹐ ALLAHYARHAM NADXAMAN 的家, 逝者也是公正黨位於TAMAN MELATI的領袖之一。他遺下了一位妻子和十名孩子。一份慰問金已經移交給其家屬。

我對他的家人們致上最誠懇的慰問。 AL-FATIHAH.

Group photo with members of Persatuan Penjaja-penjaja Bumiputra Taman Melati Setapak after our meeting.


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