USP the “Cash Cow”! Left with RM400 million!

I am shocked to have read in Rockybru and the NST’s report that the latest balance in the USP Fund is only RM400 million! The Deputy Minister of Information, Multimedia and Culture YB Datuk Salang Gandum on 25-10-2010 said here that no USP Fund had been spent. one of them must be lying. The Deputy Minister or the NST. We will soon find out when the Ministry of Information, Multimedia and Culture reply this coming week to the questions posed by me during the Budget debate last week. If it is true that only RM400 million is left in the USP Fund then it will be a very serious matter then MACC must come move in to investigate.  In year 2008 the balance in the USP Fund was RM4.67 billion!


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