Now we hear about Sime Darby will take legal actions by year end to recover the RM2 billion losses due to mismanagement and wrong doings at its energy and utilities divisions. Why wait until year end? Was it another tactic to delay actions? Was it to protect some influential persons?
Was this the only mismanagement that befell Sime Darby? Surely not! The government must ensure that the Sime Darby’s final reports by the external auditor must be tabled in Parliament for scrutiny immediately. Sime Darby is a GLC and Parliament has the right to know about the final reports on the Sime Darby’s financial scandals, which have cost the nation RM2 billion, according to the Sime Darby”s board of directors.
I believe that the losses were more than RM2 billion and there were many more mismanagements and wrong doings that have not been made known. The Sime Darby board can try hard to keep the special reports under cover but rest assured it will definitely fail.
How about the scandals involving KLGCC? I will discuss about this equally interesting scandals in my next posting.