Tan Sri A. Samad Ismail passed away

At about 6.00 p.m. this evening veteran journalist Tan Sri A. Samad Ismail passed away at the Pantai Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur. He was 84.


Affectionately known as Pak Samad, Tan Sri had been suffering from lung infection. His remains will be buried at the Muslim cemetery in Bukit Kiara after Friday prayers tomorrow. May Allah bless his soul.

My deepest condolence to the family.


– Terjemahan oleh Scha – Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong –

Sekitar pukul 6 petang wartawan tersohor Tan Sri A.Samad Ismail telah menghembuskan nafas terakhir di Pusat Perubatan Pantai, Kuala Lumpur. Beliau berumur 84 tahun.

Dikenali dengan nama Pak Samad, Tan Sri mengalami jangkitan paru-paru.

Jenazahnya akan dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Bukit Kiara selepas solat Jumaat esok.

Semoga Allah memberi rahmatNya kepada Allahyarham.

Al Fatihah.


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