Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1433H

Dengan ingatan tulus ikhlas, saya dan keluarga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat Hari Raya Adil Fitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin kepada semua umat Islam serta sahabat-sahabat yang beragama Islam. Dan sekiranya terdapat kesalahan dan kesilapan yang tidak disengajakan  samada didalam blog ataupun dimana jua saya meyusun sepuluh jari memohon keampunan dengan seikhlasnya.

Kepada rakan yang bukan beragama Islam pula selamat bercuti bersama-sama keluarga dan saya amat merayu kepada semua yang menggunakan kenderaan di jalan raya, BERHATI-HATILAH KETIKA MEMANDU!

Terima kasih.


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Can you imagine Elizabeth Ken is the co founder of BXC with the famous operator Emil Rinaldi Sjaiful! The BXC deal with MAHB also involved Tencent - so was Geeko…
The Geeko case was so clear and yet MACC didn’t take actions against Siew Ka Wei & Elizabeth!. We should know why!
MACC should have charged Elizabeth ken and Siew Ka Wei as the evidence published in YB's blog more than enough to show the corruption. Elizabeth Ken was the person signing…
Siew Ka Wei's wife must be proud of him because he has good employment policy when it comes to employing female staff. Heard from the grapevine that sweeties Elly Ken…
Hi jimmy Since the day I lodged the police report against sweeties Elizabeth Ken, there is no development. The police has not recorded a statement from me. I will be…


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