President Hosni Mubarak finally resigns!

After 18 days of protest by Egyptians, President Hosni Mubarak, the ally of the West and the longest serving Arab ruler, finally saw the light and resigns.  He left for Sharm el-Sheikh.  Egypt received US$2 billion aid a year from America.  The Egyptian celebrating the change of power. The only country that is still hoping that there will be no change in Egypt after Mubarak is Israel. There is an outburst of joy and wild celebration in Tharir Square. The President’s power to be taken over by Army Council. It is a historic moment. The Defence Minister, Tantawi, will head the Army Council.

Many dictators/puppets in the Middle East will be having sleepless night after witnessing what had happened to Egypt for the past two weeks.  We suddenly hear a sudden change of tune by the leaders of the West supporting the people of Egypt!  All puppets of the West must now realise that at the end of the day,  the West will not blink an eye to disown them for the sake of political expediency.


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