KONSENSUS BEBAS formed today!

KONSENSUS BEBAS di tubuh hari ini!

Media Statement For Immediate Release, 7 June 2010
Kenyataan Media Untuk Edaran Segera, 7hb June 2010


With the trust and responsibility as Members of Parliament elected by the rakyat, we hereby announce the formation of Konsensus Bebas as the official platform for the unified Independent Members of Parliament.

Konsensus Bebas will be an effective, independent and non-partisan Parliamentary bloc. Voicing views and taking political actions independently, transcending partisan politics in presenting our stance and policies as Independent Members of Parliament.

We believe the formation of Konsensus Bebas is the best solution for us as members of parliament to present issues of national and public interest collectively and effectively. With this general agreement, Konsensus Bebas is convinced that it is able to execute its responsibilities as a parliamentary bloc without the patronage of any political party.

Political parties have failed the aspiration of the rakyat for reformation as manifested by the 2008 General Elections. Konsensus Bebas will strive to restore the rakyat’s hope and conviction for reformation. Konsensus Bebas will act without any political self-interest but solely for the interests of the rakyat and the nation.

The national political landscape has changed reflecting the maturing of the democratic process in Malaysia. It is time that Malaysian political leaders and political parties respect the rakyat by placing the interest of the rakyat above the interests of political parties or party leaders. The rakyat will not be fooled by political rhetoric and politicians who do not walk the talk.

Currently, political parties are seen as placing the party agenda as their primary interest and the leaders inclined to grab power. The rakyat are victims of the struggle for power and position. Partisan politics have been plagued by intra-party conflicts for power and positions, aggravated by the “brown-nosing” culture. The rakyat’s demand for reformation has been derailed.

Konsensus Bebas accepts the reality of partisan politics. However, Konsensus Bebas reiterates that to be an effective member of parliament is not dependent on the political party one represents but on one’s diligence and sincerity.

As an independent platform, Konsensus Bebas will support either the government or the opposition conditionally. Konsensus Bebas will take the independent stance based on the aspirations of the rakyat and the nation.

Konsensus Bebas will focus on formulating policies that benefit the rakyat. Public and national interests will be presented more innovatively based on the true spirit of reformation and sincerity in making Malaysia a progressive nation.

Konsensus Bebas offers the rakyat an effective voice in parliament.

Member of Parliament for Bayan Baru


Member of Parliament for Wangsa Maju


Member of Parliament for Kulim Bandar Bharu


Member of Parliament for Nibong Tebal


Member of Parliament for Bagan Serai

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Dengan amanah dan tanggungjawab sebagai Ahli Parlimen yang dipilih oleh rakyat, dengan ini diumumkan penubuhan “KONSENSUS BEBAS” sebagai wadah rasmi sepakat kami sebagai Ahli Parlimen Bebas.

Konsensus Bebas membentuk satu blok bebas di Parlimen yang efektif, bebas dan nonpartisan. Menzahirkan pandangan serta tindakan politik secara bebas tanpa dibelenggu oleh kongkongan batasan politik kepartian dalam menyampaikan pendirian dan dasardasar politik sebagai Ahli Parlimen Bebas.

Kami percaya pembentukan Konsensus Bebas merupakan persetujuan terbaik antara kami sebagai wakil rakyat untuk membawa isu-isu rakyat dan negara secara kolektif dan efektif. Dengan persetujuan ini Konsensus Bebas yakin untuk berperanan secara berkesan menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai Ahli Parlimen walaupun tidak dinaungi oleh mana-mana Parti politik.

Konsensus Bebas komited sebagai satu persetujuan Ahli Parlimen Bebas dengan rakyat. Menjalankan amanah sebagai ahli parlimen yang dipilih oleh rakyat untuk berusaha memajukan negara. Memastikan rakyat terus menikmati hidup secara harmoni, berkualiti dan sejahtera di Malaysia.

Pilihanraya Umum 2008 menyerlahkan harapan rakyat untuk perubahan yang telah pun dikecewakan oleh parti-parti politik. Konsensus Bebas berusaha untuk mengembalikan harapan dan keyakinan tersebut. Konsensus Bebas berperanan bukan untuk kepentingan politik tetapi kepentingan rakyat dan negara.

Landskap politik negara sudah banyak berubah dan mencerminkan kematangan proses demokrasi di Malaysia. Sudah sampai masanya pemimpin-pemimpin politik serta parti politik di Malaysia menghormati rakyat dengan meletakkan kepentingan rakyat melebihi kepentingan Parti atau kepentingan pemimpin-pemimpin Parti. Rakyat sama sekali tidak boleh dipermainkan oleh retorik-retorik politik atau politik cakap tidak serupa bikin.

Parti-parti politik hari ini dilihat lebih mementingkan agenda parti manakala pemimpinpemimpin parti cenderung merebut kuasa. Rakyat menjadi mangsa kepada perebutan jawatan dan pangkat. Politik kepartian semakin tidak sihat lebih memperlihatkan pergeseran politik kerana perebutan kuasa dan jawatan, dihodohkan lagi dengan budaya ampu-mengampu dalam parti. Reformasi yang dituntut rakyat semakin terpesong.

Walaupun Konsensus Bebas berpendirian menerima realiti politik kepartian, namun untuk menjadi Ahli Parlimen yang efektif dan berkesan bukan terletak pada parti yang diwakili tetapi terletak pada kesungguhan dan kejujuran dalam berpolitik.

Sebagai wadah yang bebas Konsensus Bebas memberi jaminan tidak akan menyebelahi mana-mana pihak baik parti kerajaan atau parti pembangkang. Konsensus Bebas akan sentiasa berpendirian bebas berasaskan kepada aspirasi rakyat dan negara.

Konsensus Bebas akan memberi fokus kepada pembentukan dasar-dasar yang meletakkan keutamaan rakyat. Isu-isu rakyat dan isu-isu negara akan dibawa dengan lebih inovatif berteraskan semangat reformasi tulin, jujur untuk meletakkan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara madani.

Konsensus Bebas menawarkan kepada rakyat satu suara efektif di parlimen.

Member of Parliament for Bayan Baru


Member of Parliament for Wangsa Maju


Member of Parliament for Kulim Bandar Bharu


Member of Parliament for Nibong Tebal


Member of Parliament for Bagan Serai

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Konsensus BEBAS logo rationale:

The Konsensus Bebas logo embodies the desire of its Members of Parliament to present issues of national and public interest collectively and effectively by being an effective, independent and non-partisan Parliamentary bloc.

The logo consists of basic shapes that lock on and support each other to form a hibiscus image, symbolising the interests of the rakyat and the nation.

The clean, modern look of the Konsensus Bebas logo with its bright, bold colours represents the innovative and modern way of presenting issues of national interest, based on the true and honest spirit of reformation, and with sincerity in making Malaysia a progressive nation, signified by the upward leap of the stamen.

The word BEBAS is rendered in bold to emphasize the independence of its members from partisan politics.



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