DBKL playing politics and its action unreasonable, inhumane!

The following photographs show the inhumane attitude of the officers of Jabatan Perancang and Jabatan Penguatkuasaan of DBKL. DBKL took drastic actions against the hawkers at Taman Desa Setapak. I would like to thank one of the hawkers for sending these photographs to me.

I have seen notices from Jabatan Perancang pertaining to this matter and I knew that this matter had been outstanding for many years. I have seen a letter signed by the previous MP of Wangsa Maju (Datuk Yew Teong Look) asking for extension of time for him to resolve the matter. Unfortunately this matter was never resolved.

Last week (17-05-2008) a hawker called me and told me that he had received a notice from Jabatan Perancang and he and other affected hawkers had been warned by the MCA leaders of Section 2 not to call me until Jabatan Perancang take action on 21-05-08 (today). However, after having read the notice I went to the affected area with the hawkers to have a look. I immediately called Datuk Hj Salleh, the Ketua Pengarah of DBKL, and asked him to postpone the demolition action until the end of this month so that I can meet up and discuss this matter with affected hawkers with the view to find a solution. Datuk Salleh kindly agreed. So I informed two of the affected hawkers accordingly.

Yesterday (20-05-08) I also did call En Abdul Salim, the Timbalan Pengarah of DBKL , and told him about the agreement I have with Datuk Hj Salleh and he told me that he will hold on the demolition actions.

I have been informed by one of the affected hawkers that En AZLAN BIN ABDULLAH (from Jabatan Perancang) had told them that it was due to the people support for me and not the BN/MCA candidate and that the new YB Wee (that is me) have made too many complaints about approval of housing development projects for the Wangsa Maju area. En Azlan also said that YB Wee’s complaints have caused a lot of problems for Jabatan Perancang.

I do admit that I have made formal complaints to Datuk Bandar, Ministry of Wilayah Persekutuan and Parliament about housing development projects being indiscriminately approved by Jabatan Perancang without due consideration to the existing infrastructures in Wangsa Maju. In my complaints, I did mention about the many housing projects by Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd. I did ask DBKL to investigate whether these housing development projects by Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd had been approved in accordance with the policy of DBKL and all its bye-laws concerning housing development projects.

I wish to put on record the followings:

i. Datuk Salleh Yusuf, the Ketua Pengarah, should have been sincere and honest in his DEED especially the agreement reached and not say one thing to the MP and do another thing. As the second highest officer (after Datuk Bandar), he should be God fearing and not play game when it affects the welfare of the rakyat. Surely, an extension of about one week for the MP to resolve problems created by DBKL for years was not unreasonable.

ii. All these so-called illegal structures have been there for years – some more than 10, 20 or 30 years . The Datuk Bandar KL should ask himself why this was so. Jabatan Perancang should also know about this. It was due to the rampant corruptions.

iii. The officer in Jabatan Perancang or any other DBKL officer should remain neutral and not play MCA/BN politics. Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur must take immediate actions against En Azlan bin Abdullah of Jabatan Perancang for playing politics and to also order for an investigation into all the approvals given by Jabatan Perancang for all the housing development projects by Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd.

iv. Datuk Bandar KL should also instill a new value in all DBKL officers that DBKL officers are civil servants to serve all the residents in KL and therefore must not be involved in politics.

v. I have received information that Jabatan Perancang took selective actions against the hawkers of certain race and I hope that this was untrue.

– 翻译员:crocodileong@gmail.com, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意




上 星期((17-05-2008) 一位小贩打电话给我,告诉我说他接到规划局发的通告,他和其他受到影响的小贩被旺沙马朱的马华领袖警告不要打给我直到规划局采取行动。然而,我看到这个通 告马上到受影响的小贩处察看。我马上打电话给Datuk Hj Salleh, the Ketua Pengarah of DBKL 和叫他展延这个鲁莽的举动直到这个月尾,让我可以和受影响的小贩会面找出解决方案,Datuk Salleh欣然同意。我也就此通知受影响的两个小贩。昨天我也打给En Abdul Salim, the DBKL副总监,把我和Datuk Hj Salleh的协议告诉他。他告诉我说他会暂停有关行动。

我也被其中一位受影响的小贩告知说En AZLAN BIN ABDULLAH (规划局的人)告诉他们这都是因为人民支持我,而不是国阵或马华的代表。而我,这位新的议员对旺沙马朱区的房屋发展计划做出了太多的投诉。En.Azlan也说我的投诉造成规划局太多的麻烦。

我 承认我曾经做出书面投诉给Datuk Bandar, Ministry of Wilayah Persekutuan and Parliament 关于那些不明究理就被批准的房屋发展计计划,完全没有考虑到现有旺沙马朱区的基础设备。在我诸多的投诉中,我也提到关于Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd所承包的工程。我也请DBKL 调查是否这些Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd所承包的工程被DBKL所批准以及和DBKL和房屋发展计划有关的条例

i. Datuk Salleh Yusuf, 总监应该对自己的行为负责,特别是当一个协议已经达成的时候,而不是对议员说一套,做另外一套。作为地位仅次于Datuk Bandar的第二把交椅,他应该诚心诚意对待人民,不要做出影响老百姓福利的“游戏”。显而易见的,一个礼拜的宽限,要一个议员去解决DBKL多年制造 出来的问题,是不可理喻的。

2。所谓的违规建筑都在那些地方存在了超过二三十年, Datuk Bandar KL 应该问问自己为什么会这样,规划局也是,这是他们彼此都不敢去掀开的原因,滥权贪污。

3。Datuk Bandar KL也应该对所有的DBKL的官员灌输一个新的价值观即DBKL的官员都是人民的公仆,不是政治家的奴隶。




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