Congratulation Celcom for making huge profits! What about your poor customer service?

On 02 March 2011 Celcom CEO, Datuk Shazalli Ramly, has announced that Celcom’s revenue for 2010 increased from RM6.3 bil to RM6.58 bil and it will invest RM1 bil to upgrade its network, in HERE.  It is most fitting to congratulate Yg Bhg Datuk Shazalli Ramly and members of staff in Celcom for making such huge profits.The glaring fact is telcos are making huge profits yearly and there was no talk of reducing charges to help their subscribers.   Further, what is the point of upgrading network when its customer service is below par!  In the pursuit of making huge profits, I wonder whether the telco CEO is mindful of its poor customer service due to its worker being reduced to robots which are in reliance of computer totally.  It was because of these brainless and heartless “robots” that made the people suffer.

In view of the huge profits, there must be room to reduce the charges as mobile phone is no longer a luxury but a necessity.  Mobile phones subscription fees and charges should be classified as necessity/control item by the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism  (MDTCC).  At the same time the Ministry of Information, Communication & Culture should also look into reducing the mobile phone charges so that members of the public will not be exploited by telco.


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