BSKL suspended until further notice


In 1998/99 BURSA SAHAM KL introduced the “Circuit Breaker” where if there is a drop of 10% of the index the circuit breaker will trigger and the BSKL will suspend trading. Today the BSKL circuit breaker did trigger when the index dropped by 130 points and the BSKL was suspended until further notice. This is the first time that the BSKL was suspended since the circuit breaker was introduced.

This is a very clear sign that the investors have lost confidence in the BN government where the PM, Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi hung on to office when BN, under his his premiership has lost many parliamentary and state seats, and more importantly lost 4 States to the Barisan Rakyat component parties.

As an MP for Wangsa Maju I call upon PM, Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi to resign immediately to save the country from diaster and overcome the crisis of confidence. The Malaysian people from all walks of life have spoken out loud and clear and the PM must listen and step down immediately.

Wee Choo Keong


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