Attending the 56th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference in Nairobi, Kenya

A  brief update of my trip to attend the above conference …

Arrived in Nairobi, Kenya, at about 6:00 a.m. this morning, Monday, 13 September 2010. Suffering from jet lag and went on a group tour around Nairobi with YB Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia (Speaker of Dewan Rakyat) and spouse, Datuk Devamani (Deputy Minister in EPU), YB Fong Kui Loon (MP for Bukit Bintang). We visited the Great Rift Valley and were treated to an impressive view overlooking the vast Safari land and Animal Orphanage.

In the evening, the whole Malaysian entourage led by YB Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia and YB Dato’ Seri Safie Apdal (Minister of Rural and Regional Development) attended a dinner hosted by Datuk Zainol Rahim Zainuddin, High Commissioner of Malaysia to the Republic of Kenya, at his residence. It was a pleasant evening and we were all pampered with a spread of sumptuous Malaysian cuisine.

Tomorrow on Tuesday, 14 September 2010, will be the Opening Day of the Conference and YB Dato’ Seri Safie Apdal, the first Malaysian President of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, will deliver his opening speech.

The Great Rift Valley

Went on a group tour around Nairobi together with YB Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, Speaker of Dewan Rakyat, and spouse
Group picture with YB Dato' Seri Safie Apdal (center), the first Malaysian President of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
With the Malaysian High Commissioner, Datuk Zainol Rahim Zainuddin and his wife, and Datuk Roosme, Secretary to Parliament


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