Your MP's Question of the Week #32

When petrol price increases, the prices of goods and food also increase quickly in tandem. But when petrol price is reduced we do not generally see a fast reduction in the prices of goods and food at retail. Consumers therefore are not enjoying the full benefit of lower petrol prices with cheaper products.

By midnight tonight the government would be reducing the price of petrol and diesel for the fourth time by another 15 sen per liter. In total, pump prices would have been slashed by 55 sen since the sharp 78 sen increase in June.

In order that the benefits of lower fuel prices are passed on to consumers, should the authority take stringent measures to immediately monitor the prices of goods at retail stores and eating places to ensure that the prices have also been reduced to curb unscrupulous profiteering and check inflation?

– Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak – Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong –

Soalan Mingguan Wakil Rakyat Anda #32

Apabila harga minyak mentah naik, harga barangan dan makanan pun naik sejajar dengan pantasnya. Tetapi apabila harga minyak turun, kita tidak nampak penurunan harga dalam masa yang singkat di pasaran. Para pengguna akibatnya tidak menikmati manfaat penurunan harga minyak menerusi harga barangan nan lebih murah.

Pada tengah malam esoknya, pihak pentadbiran akan menurunkan harga petrol dan diesel untuk kali ke-empat sebanyak 15 sen satu litre. Secara keseluruhannya, harga petrol dikurangkan sebanyak 55 sen sejak kenaikan mendadak 78 sen di June.

Demi memastikan manfaat penurunan harga minyak dikecapi oleh para pengguna, patutkah pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan tegas meneliti harga barangan di pasaran dan tempat makan untuk memastikan harga telah diturunkan untuk mencegah perbuatan mengaut keuntungan keterlaluan dan membanteras inflasi (kenaikan harga umum)?


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