Updates @ 2:00 pm on 8-4-2011: “Somewhere within the national airline, there must be a heart. There must be a few good men who also have the welfare of its loyal, paying passengers at heart. Otherwise, there’s nothing to stop them from boarding Emirates, KLM or Singapore Airlines.” said Yg Bhg Datuk Ahmad Talib, Executive Director of News and Editorial of Media Prima, in HERE.
The enchanted “CIK SITI WAN KEMBANG” is synonymous with the home state of yours truly, KELANTAN.
“Cik Siti Wan Kembang”lah tanah air ku, tetap di hati ku.
“Cik Siti Wan Kembang” tanah tumpah dagah ku. Perasae ku begitu bangga, apatah lagi semaso kanak-kanak menjadi kebangae negara iaitu “WAU BULE”! Mengunake “WAU” itulah sebagai lambang pernebange negara ku. Orge Melayu yang mano tak kena kerya Allayarhum Abdullah Mushi “Kesah Pelayaran Abdullah ke Kelante” menyebut tente orge Kelante itu bermain layang-layang di pade.
Sapa lorni ke zaman malanium, mengapa kito harus mengubohke lambang kebanggae kito, Rakyat Kelante dan Rakyat Malaysia denge hanyo satu permaine yang penoh denge muslihat?
Sedih hati ku, bila napok MAS kito hile Identitinyo, Integritinyo dan ahhirnyo semuo orge MAS dan ambo mengigit jagi! Cumanyo puak-puak Bina tak Pikir yang sene hati!”
Yours truly sincerely hopes that other non-Kelantanese Malaysians will not be upset with yours truly using “logat” Kelantan to describe yours truly inner feelings about the going-on in MAS.
The Kelantanese are very proud that the logo of the Malaysian Airlines System derived from the “WAU BULAN”, the famous kite in Kelantan. It was not the BinaFikir Sdn Bhd’s “WAU” though , which Tan Sri Md Nor Yusof, Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar and his crony En Mohammed Rashdan Yusof are extremely familiar with.
Then MAS was headed by a Kelantanese, Yg Bhg Tan Sri Aziz Abdul Rahman, whom yours truly is sure that many past and current MAS employees are very familiar with him. When Yg Bhg Tan Sri Aziz was the MD of MAS, without fail MAS employees will get their bonuses at the end of every year. More importantly MAS accumulated some RM5 billion, if yours truly is not wrong, of reserved fund for MAS, which has now long disappeared!
Now MAS suffered losses of RM2.5 billion, said Ahamd Jauhari Yahya, AJ!
Yours truly is certain that you and any Malaysia loving Rakyat and even foreign customers would prefer the old logo more than the new logo introduced by the TRIO of which two were deeply involved in the “Bina tak Fikir ‘s WAU”.
Yours truly is certain and all prefered the long established logo of MAS because of:
The “WAU Bulan” (bukan the ‘WAU” yang direka oleh puak-pauk Bina tak Fikir) has better contrast red and blue element;
The new WAU’s ‘wau’ is dull, lack clarity, and without significant contrast and more important without DIRECTIONS like the present top management of MAS and its Board of Directors;
The old “WAU” signifies the in tandem leading and spearheading of ‘Malaysia’ forward;
The new “WAU”s ‘wau’ is heading opposite of ‘Malaysia’ like what is happening in MAS now;
The old “WAU”‘s ‘wau’ in a climbing orientation;
The new WAU’s ‘wau’ is inverted and worst still, it look like a kite inverted and starting to tailspin toward the ground (very obvious to any pilot or even a boy flying kite), perhaps this is also in tandem with the directions of the top management of MAS and its Board of Directors;