Mohd Yusof Bin Alwi: the little napoleon behind lifting of Stop Work Order against Platinum Victory!

On Saturday, 19 October 2008, Platinum Victory was slapped with a Stop Work Order by DBKL for continuously violating the construction work time as stipulated in the Development Order. (Details here.)

Four days later on Thursday, 23 October 2008, En Mohd Yusof Bin Alwi, Pengarah of Jabatan Bangunan of DBKL, single-handedly lifted the Stop Work Order under questionable circumstances and without the prior knowledge of other high ranking officers including Datuk Salleh Yusuf (Ketua Pengarah of DBKL) and Datuk Bandar.


How come En Mohd Yusof Bin Alwi is so powerful and dared to act alone and become the “Magic Hand” that lifted the Stop Work Order despite the violation?

Consequently on Friday, 24 October 2008, I received a complaint that Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd had resumed construction work and the complainant asked whether the Stop Work Order had been lifted. I subsequently sent an SMS to En Khairul, the DBKL Pengurus for Wangsa Maju regarding the violation of the Stop Work Order and also cc-ed the same to DBKL’s 3 high ranking officers. I have yet to receive any response to my said SMS.

Since then I have protested further and sent out 2 more SMSes. One to En Khairul registering my utter disgust with regard to the attitude of the Pengarah of Jabatan Bangunan and another to Tuan Hj Shaari Ahmad Junid, the Special Assistant to Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur. Both SMSes were copied to YB Datuk Zulhasnan, the Minister of Wilayah Persekutuan; YB Datuk Saravanan, Deputy Minister of WP; Datuk Salleh Yusuf, Ketua Pengarah of DBKL; Datuk Amin, the Timbalan Ketua Pengarah; and the editors of The Star, NST and Malay Mail.

Disturbing points to consider:

1.  Why was the Stop Work Order dated 19 October 2008 lifted in such secrecy on 23 October 2008 (Thursday) by that little napoleon, En Mohd Yusof Bin Alwi, Pengarah of Jabatan Bangunan?

2.  Why was there no meeting held for interested parties (i.e. complainant and myself like what happened on 22 August 2008) to discuss the lifting of the Stop Work Order on 23 October 2008 before it was carried out?

3.  After the lifting of the said Stop Work Order, why were the interested parties not informed of the circumstances under which the Stop Work Order was lifted?

What can I say but to conclude that these are the characteristics of the “Developer Friendly” attitude of that little napoleon, En Mohd Yusof Bin Alwi.

– Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak – Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong –

Mohd Yusof Bin Alwi: Dalang di belakang pembatalan perintah berhenti kerja Platinium Victory

Pada hari Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2008, Platinum Victory telah dikenakan perintah henti kerja oleh DBKL kerana sentiasa melanggar peraturan waktu kerja Perintah Pembinaan (Development Order). (Maklumat terperinci di sini)

Empat hari kemudian pada hari khamis, 23 Oktober 2008, En Mohd Yusof Bin Alwi, Pengarah Jabatan Bangunan DBKL, atas tindakan sendirinya membatalkan perintah henti kerja tanpa pengetahuan pegawai atasannya termasuk Datuk Salleh Yusuf (Ketua Pengarah of DBKL) dan Datuk Bandar.


Mengapa En Mohd Yusof Bin Alwi sangat berkuasa dan berani bertindak sendiri dan menjadi “Tangan Ghaib” yang membatalkan perintah henti kerja walaupun pihak dikenakan memang telah melanggar peraturan?

Seterusnya pada hari Jumat 24 Oktober 2008, saya menerima aduan bahawa Platinum Victory Sdn Bhd telah menyambung kerja pembinaan dan pengadu tanya adakah perintah tersebut telah dibatalkan. Saya pun hantar SMS kepada En Khairul, Pengurus DBKL untuk Wangsa Maju mengenai langgaran perintah berhenti kerja dan menghantar salinan kepada 3 pegawai tertinggi DBKL. Saya belum menerima sebarang jawapan kepada SMS saya.

Selepas itu saya hantar bantahan saya melalui 2 SMS lagi. Satu kepada En Khairul mencatatkan ketidakpuasaan saya terhadap sikap Pengarah Jabatan Bangunan dan satu lagi kepada Tuan Hj Shaari Ahmad Junid, Pembantu Khas Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur. Kedua SMS disalinkan kepada YB Datuk Zulhasnan, Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan; YB Datuk Saravanan, Naib Menteri WP; Datuk Salleh Yusuf, Ketua Pengarah DBKL; Datuk Amin, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah; dan ketua pengarang akhbar The Star, NST dan Malay Mail.

Cuba kita renungi perkara di bawah:

1. Mengapa perintah henti kerja bertarikh 19 Oktober 2008 boleh dibataklkan secara senyap pada hari Khamis, 23 Oktober 2008 oleh Si Napoleon Kecil, En Mohd Yusof Bin Alwi, Pengarah abatan Bangunan?

2. Mengapa tiada mesyuarat diadakan untuk semua pihak terlibat (iaitu para pengadu dan saya seperti yang berlaku pada 22 Ogos 2008) untuk membincangkan pembatalan perintah kerja pada 23 Oktober 2008 sebelum ia dibatalkan?

3. Selepas pembatalan tersebut, mengapa pihak terlibat tidak diberitahu sebab pembatalan?

Saya hanya boleh membuat kesimpulan bahawa semua ini adalah ciri-ciri sikap “mesra terhadap para pembangun” yang dihayati oleh Si Napoleon Kecil, En Mohd Yusof Bin Alwi.


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