Your MP's Question of the Week #20

Tony Blair, ex-Prime Minister of Britain, is scheduled to speak about RULE OF LAW AND GOVERNANCE at the 22nd Sultan Azlan Shah Law Lecture in University Malaya today.

But Tony Blair should be one of the last persons on planet earth to talk about this noble subject.

His credentials are nothing more than a “war criminal. For his role, Tony Blair was chief to lie to all British citizens, and an accomplice with George Bush to lie to the world, that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that can reach London in 40 minutes and obliterate the country. All told, he frightened its citizens into getting Britain involved with the US-led invasion against Iraq in 2002.

But we all know it for a fact now that Iraq had zilch WMD. Even till today no iota of WMD had been, and will ever be, found.

Plainly put, Britain and America had waged an illegal war against Iraq based on a lie – resulting in thousands upon thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women and children – male and female, young and old, healthy and challenged – being senselessly slaughtered. The butchery is still going on right this moment. And the sad truth is that the killing of Saddam Hussein was also an unfair consequence of a kangaroo court baselessly charging him guilty and sentencing him to death by hanging.

There’s much blood, more so Muslim blood, on Tony Blair’s hands which can never be cleansed. Therefore it is most shocking, despicable and ironical that our beloved Malaysia, being a Muslim led country, should have invited and allowed a mass Muslim-killer to even walk on our soil, let alone to speak about RULE OF LAW AND GOVERNANCE as a hypocrite.

The question of the week is:

Should the clueless Barisan Nasional government – in the first place – have made the monumental mistake of allowing this war-criminal Tony Blair, who justifiably deserves to be condemned and tried for war crimes, to come to our country and stain our beloved soil while he’s drenched and dripping with innocent Muslim blood from the illegal Iraq invasion?

– Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak – Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong –

Soalan Mingguan WR Anda #20

Tony Blair, bekas Perdana Menteri Britain, telah dijemput supaya berucap mengenai RULE OF LAW AND GOVERNANCE (menegakkan peraturan menerusi undang-undang dan pemerintahan) dalam ceramah undang-undang Sultan Azlan Shah yang ke-22 di Universiti Malaysia hari ini.

Akan tetapi Tony Blair patutlah mengambil salah satu giliran terakhir dalam dunia ini untuk berucap dalam perkara yang suci ini.

Kelayakannya hanyalah seorang “penjenayah peperangan”. Beliau berperanan berbohong kepada semua rakyat Britain, dan bersubahat dengan George Bush untuk berbohong kepada seluruh dunia, bahawa Iraq memiliki senjata membinasa besar (WMD) dan melibatkan Britain dalam pencerobohan Iraq di tahun 2002 yang diketuai oleh Amerika Syarikat.

Tetapi kita sekarang tahu bahawa Iraq langsung tidak memiliki senjata umpama ini. Sampai hari ini tidak secebis kecil pun dapat dicari ataupun akan dapat dicari kelak.

Britain dan Amerika telah melancarkan suatu peperangan haram terhadap Iraq berdasarkan suatu pembohongan – menyebabkan beribu-ribu rakyat Iraq, lelaki, wanita serta kanak-kanak, lelaki dan perempuan, muda dan tua, sihat dan kurang upaya, dibunuh beramai-ramai. Penyembelihan ini masih berterusan sekarang. Dan apa yang menyedihkan adalah hukuman gantung sampai mati Saddam Hussein hasil daripada keputusan mahkamah yang dijalankan secara tidak adil dan menyalahkannya tanpa sebab yang munasabah.

Terdapat banyak darah, khasnya darah muslim, pada tangan Tony Blair yang tidak mungkin dapat dibersihkan. Adalah mengejutkan, keji dan ironisnya Malaysia tercinta ini yang diketuai oleh orang muslim, telah menjemput dan membenarkan seorang yang berperanan dalam pembunuhan muslim beramai-ramai bertapak kaki di atas tanah air kita, bahkan dibenarkan berulas dalam ceramah perundangan.

Soalan minggi ini adalah:

Patutkah penadbiran Barisan Nasional membuat kesilapan besar mengundang penjenayah perperangan Tony Blair yang patut diketuk dan di bawa kepada mahkamah atas jenayah perperangan, supaya mengunjungi dan menodai negara kita?


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