Reporters banned from Parliament lobby!


Reporters are now banned from moving around the Parliament lobby.

This decision was most undemocratic and dictatorial in nature. The BN government must realise that without freedom of press Westminster style, Parliamentary Democracy will not work. Freedom of press is an integral part of Parliamentary Democracy. Banning of the press in Parliament lobby was most undemocratic and unacceptable. This is the style of open government as professed by the Badawi administration.

It seems that the BN government has a lot to hide!

The press reacted with a boycott of all press conferences within Parliament House.

– Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak – Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong –


Pemberita kini dilarang daripada bertapak di Parlimen.

Keputusan ini amat tidak demokratik dan bersifat ditaktorial. Pentadbiran BN mesti sedar bahawa tanpa kebebasaban akhbar secara Westminister, demokrasi secara berparlimen tidak dapat berfungsi. Kebebasan akhbar adalah sebahagian daripada demokrasi berparlimen. Keputusan melarang pihak akhbar di lobi parlimen amat tidak demokratik dan tidak boleh diterima. Inilah corak kerajaan terbuka yang dianjurkan oleh pentadbiran Badawi.

Nampaknya pentadbiran BN adalah banyak perkara-perkara yang perlu disembunyikan.

Pihak media menyahut larangan ini dengan tidak menghadiri semua siding akhbar di parlimen

– 翻译员:cc liew, Wee Choo Keong 致于万二分谢意







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