MAS Union demanded the resignations of Azhari Dahlan & Zahrah Zaid

On 26-5-2014 about 200 of MASEU members picketed in Shah Alam.


Malaysia Airlines System Employees Union (Maseu) has called for the resignations of Malaysia Airlines group chief executive officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, Head of Human Capital Zahrah Zaid, and Aerospace & Engineering Chief Executive Officer, Azhari Mohd Dahlan. 

En Azhari Dahlan has the only "vast" experience in running a very limited engineering activities in AirAsia.
En Azhari Dahlan was the Head of the small  Engineering Department of AirAsia. He was handpicked during the share SUAP and parachuted to head MAS MRO.


Puan Zaharah Zaid, Head of Human Capital of MAS
Puan Zaharah Zaid, Head of Human Capital of MAS. She was working in a biscuit factory. She was parachuted into MAS during the infamous share SUAP.

Some 200 MAS employees from the engineering and maintenance department from its Subang branch held a protest to push Najib and the government to save MAS near the Subang International Airport, Subang, Selangor in the evening.


Maseu executive secretary Mohd Jabarullah Abdul Kadir wants the prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to intervene in the matter as MAS was in dire straits.


“MAS can’t continue to operate like this running on losses and inefficiency by the top management, it’s time for a drastic change,” Mohd Jabarullah said, adding they represented the frustration of 20,000 workers of MAS.

For full NST report please read  HERE.



MASEU Picket


MASEU picket.



When the MAS-AirAsia share swap was reversed by YAB PM Datuk Najib, the CEO of AirAsia Tan Sri Tony Fernandes vowed that AirAsia will not sent its aircraft to MAS Aerospace and Engineering for maintenance and service. But it was just a spin at that time. Tan Sri Tony Fernandes had to eat his words when AirAsia sent its aircraft to MAS Aerospace and Engineering for maintenance, HERE.

AirAsia A320 undergoing maintenance works in MAS Hangar No: 5 in KLIA
AirAsia A320 undergoing maintenance works in MAS Hangar No: 5 in KLIA


Many rumours have been flying around MAS that En Azhari Dahlan has given special discounted rate for service and maintenance of AirAsia’s aircraft.  Until this date, En Azhari Dahlan is keeping the special discounted rate closed to his chest. It is hoped that the Board of Directors of MAS, will call for the contract to examine contract that Azhari Dahlan has entered into with AirAsia and compare the discounted rate and special conditions accorded to AirAsia with the present market rates and conditions for service and maintenance aircraft.  For more information about Azhari Dahlan please read HERE.


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