Launching of the Petition Campaign against the “Bazar Sore” in Prima Setapak

2nd from rt Mr Lim Chong Yee, Chairman of the Board of Governors of SRJKC Mun Yee, came to express his support for the Petition Campaign

Updated @ 5:30 pm on 13-1-2012:  Yours truly has been informed that the Ministry of Education has sent out a notice to the organiser of the “Bazar Sore 1Malaysia” to remove all properties and permanent structures on the empty land in Prima Setapak failing which the Ministry with the help of DBKL will take the appropriate actions to remove all properties and demolish all permanent structures on the said empty land at 9:30 am on 14-1-2012.


Updated @2:30 pm on 13-1-2012 :  Datuk Amin bin Nordin, the Ketua Pengarah of DBKL, has announced that DBKL has rejected the application for “Bazar Sore 1Malaysia”. The reason given was due to the residents’ strong objections to the said Bazaar and that it will cause traffic congestion and other social problems. To date yours truly has collected more than 5,000 signatures.  On behalf of the residents in Prima Setapak, yours truly would like to say Thank You to DBKL for not allowing the setting up of the “Bazar Sore 1Malaysia” and upholding the principle of “Rakyat Di Dahulukan’. A personal Thank You to Datuk Amin for a job well done.

The residents in the Prima Setapak have been complaining about the traffic congestion and parking problems in the area. The setting up of the “Bazar Sore 1Malaysia”  has earned the anger of the residents. This morning (8-1-2011) yours truly has launched a Petition Campaign against it at the Pasar Pagi Jalan Getting Kelang in Setapak. The reactions of the residents of the area were very encouraging. This morning alone, there were about 400 residents have signed the said petition. The collection of signatures will go on for a few more days.

The contents of the said Petition are as follows:


YB Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan Dan Kesejahteraan Bandar

Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur

Kami, penduduk-penduduk yang menandatangani di bawah, membantah terhadap cadangan Bazar Sore 1Malaysia di Tanah Lapang milik Kementerian Pendidikan, di Jalan Prima Setapak, dari jam 2 petang hingga 2 pagi kerana Bazar tersebut akan mengakibatkan ketenteraman penduduk-penduduk tergugat, ganggu kacau, gejala social, jenayah ( pecah kereta, ragut dan lain-lain ), “noise pollution” , “air pollution“ , masalah kesihatan kerana kotoran kawasan sekeliling, kesesakan jalan raya, mengalang lalu-lintas kepada penduduk-penduduk dan lain-lain masalah yang ditimbulkan.

Kami percaya sekiranya cadangan tersebut diluluskan, keadaan di Prima Setapak adalah lebih teruk daripada keadaan di Bazar Larut Uptown, Danau Kota, ini adalah kerana keadaan jalan-jalan raya yang sedia ada amat sempit dan dikelilingi dengan banyak kawasan perumahan.

Kami berharap pihak DBKL dan Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan dan kesejahteraan Bandar tidak akan meluluskan permohonan untuk mengadakan Bazar Sore 1Malaysia di tapak tersebut atau lain-lain aktiviti-aktiviti perniagaan diatas tapak berkenaan.

Cadangan kami supaya tapak tersebut boleh dijadikan kawasan permainan kanak-kanak dan juga kawasan rekreasi untuk penduduk-penduduk di kawasan tersebut dan kawasan-kawsan berhampiran.

Kami juga membantah supaya pihak Kementerian tidak memberi peluang kepada mana-mana individu atau organisasi untuk semata-mata mencari keuntungan sahaja kecuali keuntugan itu sampai kepada masyarakat setempat. Dan kami berharap logo “1Malaysia” juga tidak disalahgunakan oleh pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dimana akhirnya slogan 1Malaysia ini tidak memberi apa-apa makna.

Kami berharap pihak Kementerian akan melaksanakan dasar “Rakyat Didahulukan” dan “Percapaian Diutamakan” bukan hanya kepada masyrakat di Prima Setapak dan Wangsa Maju khususnya tetapi juga di seluruh Negara

Sekian, terima kasih

Mr Lau Kok Heng aka "Kok Kok", the leader of the "agents" of the organizer of Bazar Sore 1Malaysia
During the walk about in the Pasar Pagi, yours truly was listening to the complaints from one of the residents in Prima Setapak


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