A Philippine Military Officer said a Malaysian opposition politician invited the terrorists to Lahad Datu

Lahad Datu
Lahad Datu, Sabah

Updates @ 8:20 am on 2-3-2013:  The estimated arrival time of the remains of the two fallen heroes is at 12:00 noon today at TUDM airport, Subang.

It did not matter who started to shoot first.  We shouldn’t be wasting our time with such senseless debate.  The 180 Pilipino terrorists (30 were heavily armed) should not have invaded our country with heavy arms in the first place.  


Even if a foreigner who came into Malaysia legally but with arms,  he or she will be automatically  classified as a terrorist. Malaysia is no different to America and other countries.  


On 9-2-2013 180 heavilly armed Pilipino terrorists inviaded Lahad Datu,  they have no valid excuse to hide behind their claims whether they were legitimate or illegitimate.  


These terrorists have been lucky that the Malaysian Government has been extremely kind and patient to them by spending 17 days using diplomatic channels and others to persuade them to surrender and leave Lahad Datu.  But these terrorists saw it fit to test the patient of Najib Government and misconstrued it as weakness. 


It has been reported in the News last night that upon hearing that two of our VAT 69 commandos have been killed by the mortar shell launched by the terrorists, YAB Datuk Seri Najib gave the green light to PDRM to act accordingly.  It has also been reported that 12 terrorists have been killed by our forces.  A job well done.  These terrorists should have been wiped out totally.


The question now is: Where are the remaining 168 terrorists?  If they were arrested, they must face the full might of our laws and the consequences.  If caught alive, they should be charged for wagging war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (i.e. Wagging was against the State) under Section 121 of the Penal Code

Waging or attempting to wage war or abetting the waging of war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, a Ruler or Yang di-Pertua Negeri

Section 121: 

Whoever wages war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or against any of the Rulers or Yang di-Pertua Negeri, or attempts to wage such war, or abets the waging of such war, shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life, and if not sentenced to death shall also be liable to fine.

Offences against the person of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Ruler or Yang di-Pertua Negeri

Section 121 A:

 Whoever compasses, imagines, invents, devises or intends the death of or hurt to or imprisonment or restraint of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or any of the Rulers or Yang di-Pertua Negeri, their heirs or successors, shall be punished with death and shall also be liable to fine. Offences against the authority of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Ruler or Yang di-Pertua Negeri

Section 121 B.

Whoever compasses, imagines, invents or intends the deposition or deprivation of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong from the sovereignty of Malaysia or the deprivation or deposition of the Ruler, his heirs or successors, or of the Yang di-Pertua Negeri from the rule of a State, or the overawing by means of criminal force or the show of criminal force the Government of Malaysia or of any State, shall be punished with imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.

Abetting offences under section 121A or 121B

Section 121 C:

Whoever abets the commission of any of the offenses punishable by section 121A or 121B shall be punished with the punishment provided for the said offenses. 

Intentional omission to give information of offenses against section 121, 121A, 121B or 121C by a person bound to inform

Section 121 D:

Whoever knowing or having reason to believe that any offence punishable under section 121, 121A, 121B or 121C has been committed intentionally omits to give any information respecting that offence, which he is legally bound to give, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years or with fine or with both.


We should remember the case  of  Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali, who led a band of 29 Al-Ma’unah men in a mission to overthrow the Malaysian government in 2000. The said Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali was found guilty under Section 121 and  hanged in Sungai Buloh prison on 4-8-2006. Please read HERE.

If these terrorists were to invade other countries like America, Israel, UK and others, yours truly is as certain as tomorrow sunrise that it will be all over in a day or two. It will be a case of “bodies back” with no negotiation whatsoever.

“Another Philippine military officer said the men were followers of the heirs of the Sultan of Sulu – an island group off the southern Philippines – who had been invited to Sabah by a Malaysian opposition politician to discuss land issues.”   This was reported by Reuters in HERE.

The said Reuters’ report that these terrorists have been invited by a Malaysian politician to Lahad Datu for discussion  had to thoroughly investigated and if it was true then drastic actions had to be taken against the politician responsible.  It is all about patriotism and treason.  Section 121 of the Penal above is also applicable in such a case.

In view of the above, yours truly calls upon the Government to have an in-depth investigation into this Lahad Datu standoff involving 18o foreign terrorists.


All Malaysians, especially those living in Lahad Datu, must be elated that the stand-off was all over today.  We are grateful to our security forces for defending our sovereignty against the aggression by these terrorists. 


Our VAT 69 - Unit Tindakan Khas of PDRM
Our VAT 69 – Unit Tindakan Khas of PDRM

It was most unfortunate that two our Vat 69 (UTK – Unit Tindakan Khas) commandos had to be the fallen heroes in defending our sovereignty.  Yours truly would like to send condolences to both families of the fallen heroes and may their souls rest in peace. The whole nation is proud of both of you. 


Yours truly heard that the remains of the two heroes will be arriving in TUDM in Subang at 9:30 am today (2-3-2013). Lets all be there to show our support and appreciation to both of them and their families. 



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