20,000 turn out to receive the return of Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim to Permatang Pauh

As reported by Malaysiakini here a 20,000 strong crowd turned out on Sunday night, 03 August 2008, to listen to Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim as he kicked off his Permatang Pauh by-election campaign in Seberang Jaya, Penang.

It has been widely reported that it would be an easy win for Dato’ Seri as Permatang Pauh is known to be a “safe” seat for him. But if “safe” means going back to where one had made one’s electoral debut there then no one should begrudge Dato’ Seri his rightful place. Permatang Pauh is Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s home and it was here that he first began his journey to parliament in 1982 during the 6th general elections.

I wish Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim smooth sailing all the way to Putrajaya!

*For those who do not have a subscription for Malaysiakini, you can read the full report here.

– Terjemahan oleh Lee Wee Tak – Ucapan ribuan terima kasih dari Wee Choo Keong –

Seperti yang dilaporkan di Malaysiakini, seramai 20,000 orang keluar pada malam Ahad, 03 Ogos 2008, untuk mendengar ceramah Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim di mana dia memulakan kempen pilihanrayanya di Permatang Pauh di Seberang Jaya, Pulau Pinang.

Telah banyak dilaporkan bahawa kemenangan mudah terjamin untuk Dato’ Seri kerana Permatang Pauh dikenali sebagai “kerusi selamat” untuknya. Tetapi jika “selamat” bermaksud kembali ke tempat beliau menyertai pilihanraya buat kali pertama, orang ramai patut tidak membantah perbuatan beliau kembali ke tempat asalnya. Permatang Pauh adalah “rumah” Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim di mana beliau telah memulakan perjuangannya ke parlimen dalam tahun 1982 pada pilihanraya ke-6.

Saya berharap beliau akan dapat perjalanan lancar ke Putrajaya!


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